Another beautiful day. I had planned to take a significant bike ride today, but Phil and I planned to get in a bit of StarCraft first. Toward the end of the game, I got a call from Tom who was in town, hanging out at Rao's. After the game, I got on my bike and rode to Rao's and we hung out for a hour or so chatting. He and Kirsten had brought a friend to take hiking. After I bit, I suggested that Buffam Falls might be a nice place to take his friend. It's a beautiful trail that runs along a series of small water falls near where Buffam Brook joins Amethyst Brook. I was pleased because it was a perfect bike ride to get there. It's a serious climb up to North Valley Road and then there's one more brutal climb. I rode my bike and called them when I had made the turn. I also called Alisa who brought boys, so they'd get a chance to see Tom. We all arrived at the parking area at pretty close to the same time.

The trail is in a Hemlock and White Pine forest. There is a small wooden bridge the crosses the brook and the trail runs along the east side. We found the typical plants: wintergreen, partridge berry, and Lycopodium. We were hoping to see the ladyslipper orchids, but we were a bit early I'm afraid. Luckily we were early enough to avoid the black flies. I got Tom to take a couple of pictures of me striking heroic poses with my bicycle near the water falls.

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The ride back is downhill until the Amherst Town Line and then there's another big hill to climb to get home. When I got home, I checked my cyclometer and was disappointed to see my average speed was only 6.24mph -- then I realized that it included walking my bike down the waterfalls and back up. I guess it's not too bad considering that. Coming down North Valley Road, I hit 31mph. With the knobby tires I have, its actually kinda dangerous to go that fast -- I need to get some cross training tires. They'll make the long rides a lot more pleasant and give me better cornering.
