Yesterday, I felt even worse than I had the two days before, but by evening, I was beginning to feel better. This morning, I am clearly on the mend -- which is a good thing because Richard and Katy arrive this afternoon. We're planning to walk on the Windsor Locks Canal Trail this afternoon. I've been there before (riding, rather than walking) -- it's an interesting spot. I don't know that we'll walk the whole thing. The old lock structures are interesting. There is also an interesting bridge where the canal is carried in an aqueduct that goes over a stream. Now that's a piece of engineering.
The ESNE bookmarks arrived yesterday. I packed up stacks to go out to the people who'd requested them, which Lucy and I posted this morning. I also took a large stack to the
Jones Library. They accepted them with pleasure and set them by the check-outs for people to take. We probably should get a list of libraries and cost out how much it would take to send 100 bookmarks to every library in New England.