I'm pleased with the work I've done on FastFoodTeaching. It still has a way to go, but I'm feeling like I'm getting close to where I want to be with it. This week, I managed to get mostly caught up from being on vacation. There are several key pieces of work that I need to get done before the end of the summer, but I'm feeling satisfied with the progress I've made so far.
I saw an interesting blog today called Global Voices. It's a neat idea to try to make blog entries from around the world available in one place. It's abhorrent to an Esperantist, however, that it makes them available only to English speakers. It's a valuable service to Americans, but what about people in the rest of the world? It dumps the burden of learning English on anyone else in the world who wants to use it. I'm much more impressed with
raporto, which provides Esperanto versions of news articles from around the world.
This was the weekend when I was supposed to ride a century. I made some good progress toward training for a century, but got lazy in late spring and never really got in shape to do it. So now I'll have to feel guilty all weekend. Sigh...