I decided to start reporting stuff at http://raporto.info/ . When Pat Robertson began saying that the US goverment should assassinate world leaders, I decided that I couldn't just sit by and watch this. I suppose my efforts mean relatively little in the larger scheme of things, bit they mean something to. So far, I've written brief postings on
Pat Robertston Proposes Murder,
Massachusetts considers same-sex marriage and
Innocents can't get out of prison. It's wonderful Esperanto practice to write little short news snippets in Esperanto. I'm hoping I can continue to write at least one posting each week.
I've began seriously working on the Esperanto page at Global Voices. The Global Voices people have been polite and even welcoming, but are honest about their interest (which is zero). We'll see what happens.
For my birthday, Lucy got me English-Only Europe. It's great! I really like the way Robert Phillipson writes. His prose just flows onto the page
It would have been tempting to call the book "From Babel to Eurobabble". However, to do so, would have reinforced the notion that a multiplicity of languages is a curse, both in history and at the present. Babel is historical myth rather than a fact. Multilingualism, in the sense of an individual or an institution operating effectively in more than one language, is an everyday reality of the majority of the world's inhabitants. It is a source of richness and joy for us, facilitating access to a range of cultures and cosmologies. If Babel and Eurobabble are understood as meaning that people who come from different language backgrounds cannot communicate, then the EU institutions, with their elaborat translation and interpretation services, are living proof of the opposite.
Wonderful stuff.
Long days at work. Very busy. The semester draws inexorably closer.
Today, before dinner, I found two small stick insects on the screen-house outside. I called the boys out to look at them. They are unbelievable delicate and ungainly as they walk across your hand... And then they take to flight. You would never believe a stick insect could fly just to look at them. Even when they're flying, it seems like some kind of magic trick. Nature is amazing.