Today George brought in a new flat-panel display he got for home so we could see whether it might be a good model to use to replace the monitors in the BCRC. It is an SXVGA display by Planar and seemed simply marvelous. We lost a display in the flood a week ago, but the monitors we have are quite old and probably should all just be replaced.
While we were checking out the display, I wanted to see how full-screen video looked, so we went to the Apple Trailer site, but when we went to watch the trailer for Harry Potter, it redirected our connection to iTunes. Hmm. I get the feeling that Apple is getting ready to start selling movies via the iTunes Music Store, possible for the video iPod Apple is rumored to be building. Neat to see convergence happening on the computer side as well as the "Media PC" strategy that Microsoft has been pursuing. I'd still like to build myself a MythTV, but can't quite justify the $$$ to buy the parts (or the time to set it all up). Too many cool ideas and just not enough time.
The guy who was questioning rights for same sex couples sent me email today. Originally he had intended to write a reply, but had ultimately decided it would be a waste of time, and was letting me know he wasn't in order to use the time saved to improve himself. I thought that was polite. I suggested he get in touch with a local gay support organization to go and meet gay people and listen to their stories and concerns. It's amazing what can you learn when you listen and try to put yourself in someone else's shoes. Then I saw
this and had to send him another email. Too perfect. Too bad it's only in the Netherlands.