I saw that Mysql started calling version 5 the stable version this week. (Or recently anyway.) We're in the middle of setting up an updated version of the BCRC and I encouraged us to make the jump to version 5. We're still running version 3 on the current server. We grabbed the updated package, but when I tried to recompiled PHP, I found it wouldn't work. The log showed that you can't link libraries from a 64-bit ELF with a 32-bit ELF. Once we grabbed the 32-bit version, it all compiled and started up just tickety-boo (as George would say). But we still need do a bunch of testing to make sure everything is going to work.
I got a note from Ethan indicating the Global Voices accepted my suggestion to add links to Esperanto bridge-blogs on country pages and include a link back to the Esperanto page. It wasn't really my first choice to do it that way, mainly because it means trying support changes on many pages and trying to keep all the lists in sync. But I also didn't like the idea of losing the Esperanto page, because it's useful to have one place where all that information is brought together. But I didn't see an alternative. When I got the note, I pulled off the warning from the page saying it wasn't maintained and sent out a note about the work I've been doin. I've gotten several notes from people (even before I posted the note) thanking me for trying to pull together the list. I began with the list at
Skribitaj Pensoj, but I've done a fair amount since then organizing and adding new links.
I started translating this into Esperanto, but it was too much work. It's been a long week.